Promotional products are a great way to kick off a marketing campaign, or even to add incentive to influence customers to make a purchase. In 2014, living a healthy lifestyle will be one of the most talked about TRENDS, and not a fad. Do you promote a healthy business model?
Your customers want to see you doing great things. Whether it's supporting your
local food bank, volunteering your time over the holidays, or even doing a small, kind gesture. It isn't always the price that will make someone feel positive toward your business.
What you can do is simple. I'll give you three ways you can spread a healthy message this upcoming year.
- Host a contest on social media. Get your fans to post pictures of themselves on how they live an active lifestyle, and try to choose a few that fit your brand personality. Along with this promotional item, throw in a gift card to a healthy business (yours, or for example a fruit juice store)
- Does your office or store have a reception area? Take a close look at what your customers see when they first walk in. Is it candy? Chairs? Paper? Find out what really stands out in the area. Replace whatever it is with, or add a GIANT BOWL of these pedometers. I recommend not removing the chairs. (My laugh)
- Planning to give back this Holiday season? I've got an idea for you. Sell each pedometer (which has your message/logo on it) to your customers, and donate a set portion, percentage or ALL proceeds to a charity of your choice. It displays that you care about your customers health, and also showing support to local organizations.
As always, promoting with
promotional products is a great way to connect with your audience. Truly connecting with the individual can be cherished in the long-haul.